Current cumpliance status REACH

  • 09/05/2019
  • 13:00 - 13:45
  • Sala 1
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In 2018, ECHA checked the compliance of 286 records, most of which focused on substances of potential concern .. Overall, the Agency adopted 274 final decisions, in which 888 requests for different information were requested. The figures show a similar picture to previous years, in most of the registration dossiers that ECHA checks, lack of important safety information. Following the request of the ECHA, most applicants update their records with the according information. The efforts of all stakeholders are needed to ensure that companies which provide data security accomplish the law. As an agency, ECHA is further improving the efficiency of their work in compliance controls and urges Member States to do more to speed up the evaluation process. But companies also need to manipulate better their records. Registration dossiers are its key investment conform for a predictable and sustainable future.

English Presentation